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How to develop product sense - Lenny's Newsletter
虽然不从事产品的工作,但文中4个建议都是非常中肯的 另外有3个非常挺触动我的细节: 1)初入一个新环境时(a company with great product thinkers),应该大量观察(多参与会议并且做大量的笔记),从观察(听到的问题和反馈)中寻找某种共性,以此理解该环境中人的决策逻辑; 2)花时间去理解用户,不仅是口头说说而已,也尽量形成某种规则/约束条件并融入日常工作中; 3) When you see a new trend, instead of dismissing it as a fad, ask yourself, “If this trend reaches its full potential, what opportunities will it create that I can pursue?” btw, 再次表示对Stewart Butterfield的喜爱。
即使一些问题,我们此刻没有任何解决办法,了解问题本身就是解决问题的第一步。成为使用封装工具的人,而不要成为被封装的人。 最害怕的是自己会丧失好奇心,丧失了解问题根源的欲望。
最近看到的播客分享大多都用小宇宙,于是把听播客的app切换到小宇宙了。也把小宇宙CEO Kyth的访谈搜出来看看。
How Telegram Became the Heart of the Ukraine Conflict
Telegram在战争中成为了信息传播的核心,但因其宽松的信息审核政策备用做加剧冲突/煽动种族仇恨的工具。。文中开头写到 "Durov has found himself caught between his two strongest ideals: On one hand, the staunch cyberlibertarian dream of an open and unmoderated internet, on the other, his deep animosity toward the Russian state and its objectives.". 一个自有开放的互联网梦想 vs 一个政治立场极其明确的个体。
Guess the Startup Answers by @ttunguz
有意思,3月11日Tomasz Tunguz发布了一个根据财报截图猜测公司的[游戏](tomtunguz.com)结果,我没猜出来 lol(确实对第2个公司业务数字不敏感)
Tech and War – Stratechery
The capability wielded by the tech industry is incredible; it is easy to cheer when it is being used in the service of intentions that are so clearly good. It’s equally easy to understand how much fear that capability may generate in the long run
Why AWS Makes Money and Google Cloud Doesn’t
Google Cloud为什么比AWS盈利性差这么多:进入时间万,高利润率的服务较少(云数据库、分析软件)、管理费用较高、以及工程文化懒散