Mapped: Global Happiness Levels in 2022
对全球各个国家的幸福指数可视化。 惊讶于我们的幸福指数比我实际想象中要高(也可能是周围大多人都或多或少囿于某类焦虑与困惑中),也惊讶于我们的排名上升速度。 "In this year’s report, China climbed 12 places on the global ranking, making it the most improved country in East Asia and Oceania. The Chinese government recently identified “common prosperity” as a top priority, and has made numerous policy shifts in an effort to combat inequality and eradicate poverty."
BIG announcement incoming
Evan决定全职加入Every了,读这段文字时,我真的非常感动:"Now, I’ve decided to lean into it. After 11 long months of writing on nights and weekends, I have quit my cushy tech job and am going full-time into writing with Every. And that, my friends, is my favorite sentence I have ever written. :) " 突然想到了另一个自己在一直阅读的博主,因为写作将他从需要被迫离开美国的束缚中解放出来,于是他在2021 annual letter中写道" I told myself I should not underestimate the possibility of how far my writing could travel because of the interest graph."
也是一些我从未感知到的调研数据... “疫情后受访者总体上收入下滑严重,净值变化达到了-46%,收入缩减的情况与年龄/职业工种直接相关;画像上拆分,30岁以上/女性/月收入万元以下/低学历群体下滑比例更为明显。” (但认为可能也会有些样本偏差)
项飙 × 迈克尔·桑德尔:越努力越幸运是一种假象
喜欢这篇文章的内容,但并不喜欢这个标题,含义并不清晰还容易被误读。 有2个联想: - 前段时间因为被人推荐到所以看完了《精英的傲慢》,非常赞同其中大部分观点,也时刻提醒自己的幸运所在,另外天生身体健康其实就享有很大的privilege。 - 项飙形容年轻一代就像不能放松的蜂鸟,Jess Lee也曾形容过自己求学的体验,"Duck syndrome",每个人在水面看起来平静无事,但水下却不停努力蹬腿、疯狂划桨,非常努力只是为了看起来毫不费力。二者有异曲同工之妙。