共分享了 230 篇文章
What’s in a Black name? 400 years of context.
文章用几个代表任务案例,叙述了约400年历史中黑人对自己名字态度的转变,一个非常有意思的角度。“We have been defining and redefining ourselves through our names for 400 years. Why stop now?” 另外对Tina Turner的一段叙述印象深刻:“名字...,它还与独立和不受虐待的自由联系在一起。”
这个世界不是由天才创造的,在众人决策的过程中,赢得游戏的人都是比别人多想一步的人,而不是多想两步或更多步的人。 另外对于文中提到的公式,实力=f(算法,算力,信息),很早跟朋友讨论过,我们一致认为,算力其实并不仅是天赋,后天也可以迭代与提升。
写在第二十五万字 · 构建我的被动收入
并不是因为关于写作的内容而推荐,而是blog的名字--构建我的被动收入,这是我连续两天中第3次看到“被动收入”的概念了,在上一期推荐的Lessons from Year 29中Nat Eliason也重点强调了这个概念在他生活中扮演的重要性。自己受到启发后最近也开始思考这个主题了。
Mike Cannon-Brookes
The Observer effect第4篇文章,对Atlassian的CEO Mike的访谈。心得挺多的,就不写推荐语了。Sriram的4篇文章都保持着较高水准,有兴趣和时间也都可以读一读的(btw 这篇居然是21年就更新的...完全没注意到...)
Russell-Einstein Manifesto
We appeal, as human beings, to human beings: Remember your humanity, and forget the rest. If you can do so, the way lies open to a new Paradise; if you cannot, there lies before you the risk of universal death.
Lessons from Year 29 - Nat Eliason
- Income is not the only metric. The source of income matters quite a bit for your psychological satisfaction. - “But whenever the pendulum is near either extreme, it is inevitable that it will move back toward the midpoint sooner or later. In fact, it is the movement toward an extreme itself that supplies the energy for the swing back.” - Everyone else wants more of these activities too, they’re just waiting for someone to initiate them. It may as well be you.
The Infinite Reach of Joel Kaplan, Facebook’s Man in Washington
这篇关于Joel Kaplan的报道非常推荐,文章非常长,文章介绍了Kaplan的早年经历和加入Facebook后部分故事,能从稳重窥探到Meta如何变成一家与政治深度捆绑的公司的种种历程。